Events in Toolamba
See the Toolamba Community facebook page for the most up to date information.
2025 events
Monday 24 February
Toolamba Dinner Muster
6:30 - 7:30pm
Come along, bring a salad to share and be part of the shared dinner experience.
A great opportunity to catch up with & meet your neighbours whether they live next door or streets away.
We'll be having a BBQ so bring a salad to share.
Venue - Toolamba Community Hall.
Cost - $10 per person. Primary school children free.
(Cash only. No eftpos available.)
Plates, cutlery, tables and seating all provided.
On arrival every attendee nominates a charity for money from the night to be donated to. The "winning" charity is randomly selected on the night.
Contact: Rachel Palmer, 0438 265 101 for further information.
Next dinner muster: 24 March (tbc)
Sunday 6 April
SOD OFF MND fun run
Check-in from 9:00am, event start 10:00am
Run, walk, roll or watch and cheer as we raise money for MND.
Live music, coffee and food trucks. Sausage sizzle. Raffle on the day.
Register via trybooking
Toolamba Recreation Reserve, 1A Wheelhouse St, Toolamba